terça-feira, 26 de abril de 2011

Resumo - Abstract - The Science of Sound

Sound is energy created by vibration from a molecule, which causes the
other molecules nearby to vibrate as well. This energy travels trough waves, whose
characteristics determine the type of sound that is created. These characteristics are:
amplitude, that is directly proportional to the volume of the sound; and frequency,
that is related to how high or how low the sound is. Depending on the matter that the
sound is travelling trough, it can travel faster or slower. Since it is a transverse wave,
it can travel in any matter. It’s speed in air is about 1,120 feet per second. We only
hear a sound when the vibration reaches our eardrums, that vibrate as well, causing
small bones inside our ears to vibrate too, sending a message to our brain with the
characteristics of this sound. So, if nothing is around to hear the sound, it doesn’t exists.

Perfil de Maria Clara

My name is Maria Clara, I'm 20 years old and was born in Caicó, Rio Grande do Norte. At age 3, I moved with my family to Natal and since then we live in this beautiful city. I've been a vegetarian for 5 years now, and I'm a huge fan of cinema, specially movies by Quentin Tarantino, Lars Von Trier and Darren Aronofsky. In the first semester of 2010 I got into UFRN, studying Science and Technology and now, theoretically, I'm half way to graduation. Besides university, my other main occupations are my work as an Kung fu instructor, at the Lung Fu Kung Fu School, and as the lead guitarist of the thrash metal band Declite. I've been teaching at Lung Fu since 2008 and my sudents have between 4 and 64 years old. My time in Declite has been a little longer: we've been together since 2007 and we hope we can to record a demo cd with some of our original songs this year. Among our musical influences is the band Metallica, which will perform a concert in september here in Brasil, at the Rock in Rio festival. I'm very excited to go to this festival, not just because of the great bands, but also because I'd love to go to Rio de Janeiro.

segunda-feira, 25 de abril de 2011


 Patent is a temporary title of intelectual property, given by the Estate to the author of a utility model or invention. The patent`s owner avoids that others manufacture, use or sell in which the title focus, turning industrialized creations into profitable investment.

 Etymologicaly, the word patent comes from the latin patens, -entis, which means to be discovered.

 Exemplify this concept the biotechnology patents (involves productive processes based on biological materials), quemical patents, software patents (computer programs), industrial drawings patents.

  • Yuri Aguiar Pinto
  • Tiago Castro Morais de Freitas
  • Jéssica Costa dos Santos Silva
  • Maria Clara Souza de Fontes Pereira
Turma: 3

Perfil de Jéssica

 Hello dear, my name is Jéssica Costa. I´m from Natal and 20 years old. I am the only girl child of three brothes.I live with my parents. I like to go and have fun. Do not like parties, I am in the most peaceful places. I got in the way of Science and Technology in 2009 and really like it here. I intend to graduate in Mechatronic Engineering and then leave the RN in search of better markets. I believe in God above all else. In most, if they missed some informaçãome search and we can be good friends.

Perfil de Yuri

Hello, my name is Yuri Aguiar and I`m 21 years old. I was born in Rio de Janeiro and lived there until I was 18 and moved here to Natal. I chose the BC&T course because I intend (for now) to be a computer engineer. I am very calm and and a bit lazy. At home I like to fuss the internet and download musics, games and videos and read books too, good ones mostly. I don`t go out a lot mostly because of my lazyness but when I do its usually whith some friends or my family. I hope that`s enough to describe at least a bit about myself and thank you for reading.

Perfil do Tiago


Hello, my name is Tiago Castro, 
I'm from Mossoró-RN and I'm 21 years old.
I Work in CTGás, and I am a teacher of American world skills. 
Will dispute next year the national stage. 
Currently, I share apartment with a friend. 
work all day long and often finds time to study, 
do it usually on the weekend. where I go out with my girlfriend 
for dinner, movies, beach, etc..
I love to spend the weekend in mossoró, I always find the time to go.